This couldn't have happened at a better time in the quarter. With the quarter quickly coming to a close, the stress has been building, and what better to get my mind off work than LBJ and the Cavies?
Unfortunately, the Cavaliers #1 fan won't be able to join me at the game. But, I know he will be there in spirit.

I'm expecting big things this year from the Cavs, as are many sportscasters. In an interview with Jeff Zillgitt from USA Today, LeBron James reported that in this point of his career anything less than an NBA championship would be considered a failure.
I'm with you LeBron, and I believe this year will be the affirmation of both your and the Cavs legacy when the Cavs clinch the NBA championship.
If you're a Cavs fan, join me and help cheer the Cavs on to victory on Thursday at 7 p.m.