Monday, September 29, 2008

Accounting 101, and why you should actually care

After just finishing my first accounting test, I'm beginning to realize the full potential of a sound knowledge of accounting principles. Not only is a knowledge of accounting good for any future career, but it comes in handy during trying economic times like those we find ourselves in at the moment.

While surfing for some good Business/ Financial Investment blogs I came across an amazing blog about "sensible personal finance" created by a self proclaimed "...average guy who found himself deep in debt."

The author of blog Get Rich Slowly discusses his journey out of $35,000 debt, and the philosophies and life lessons he learned along the way.

In addition to insightful posts, Get Rich Slowly provides the basic knowledge readers need to begin understanding their own and their countries economic troubles.

One such article I found especially interesting is What is Money? A Basic Economics Lesson from 1947

This blog is a must read for anyone interested in learning a little more about what they can do to save some $$$$ (aren't we all?).

1 comment:

Evan E. Roberts said...

Wow Jay, good stuff man! I think so many people can benefit from learning basic fiscal responsibility principles, if only they took the time ya know? Great post man, I can't believe I wasn't following your blog until today! I'm glad I found it though!