Thursday, September 11, 2008

See Through Blogs

When reading the first chapter in Paul Gillin's The New Influencers I was impressed with his analysis of second "truth" to the world of the blogosphere, transparency. I couldn't agree more with his assessment; 99% of the people I know are willing to continue using a product or service even if they find out that the company has been putting out faulty products or has been engaging in some other sort of devious action as long as they apologize and don't lie to the public. I think its human nature to forgive a person or company, we all make mistakes, nobody is perfect, but who wants to continue using the product or service of a company that blatantly lied to them? NOBODY! A word to the wise, if your going to screw over your customers don't lie to them after you've done it. Companies need to face up to what they've done, and if they do this is a timely manner I'm willing to bet they can retain the majority of their customers.

1 comment:

CaseyDee said...

I think a big reason people are so forgiving of even whole companies for wrong-doing is the fact that we'd love to believe we're all on the same playing field. Companies are just full of "average joes" just like us and like you said, we all make mistakes. Especially now in the booming age of social media, it's possible to log on and read business blogs written by real people instead of trusting impersonal mission statements on company websites. So then when a company makes a mistake and apologizes for it, it's almost like getting in an altercation with someone you know rather than a stranger you've never met.